Effectively repairing hydraulics systems since 1997.
Chads Hydraulics was eastablished as a one-man business in 1997. Having built up the busineess over the past 23 years we are one of the most recognised companies in the UK, who fix, diagnose and design hydraulic pumps. We work with recognised companies throughout Hertfordshire and London. As a professional and safe company, we are proud to possess British Fluid Power Accreditation.
Areas of Practice in Hydraulics Systems
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Chads Hydraulics provide inspection and certification of plant and equipment. Our staff are highly educated and authorised to provide a certificate of heavy duty equipment.
Photo by Nordroden/iStock / Getty Images
Service and Diagnosis
We offer the highest quality of service including: repairs, commissioning and installation of plant and equipment. We provide three types of equipment diagnosis. On-site diagnosis- work with an engineer. Off-site diagnosis - phone consultation. As well as repairs in the workshop.
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We design various hydraulics systems. Our goal is to ensure bespoke systems and designs tailored to individual needs.